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The Mysticism of Gavin Shri Amneon
Concisely narrated videos on the aspects and paths of the Tree of Life, teachings from the Holy Kabbalah and other forms of mysticism...
Omnisutra Films - ancient mystical holy songs reanimated to music and art, sung in their original languages with translation.
The Holy Kabbalah - Volume 21 Nun
A beautifully illustrated description of the path of Nun - Scorpio - and the Tarot card of Death.
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 20 - Samech
A beautifully illustrated description of the path of Samech on the Tree of Life, and its Zodiac Sagittarius, and its Tarot Temperance.
The Holy Kabbalah Vol 19 - Ayin
A beautifully illustrates description of the path of Ayin on the Tree of Life, The Zodiac of Capricorn and the Tarot of the Devil
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Omnisutra – Emerald Tablet, is a sung rendition of the oldest copy of the ‘Emerald Tablet of Hermes’ which is preserved in Arabic, and is sung here in Arabic by Gavin Shri Amneon. The original Greek composition is sadly lost to history. In Arabic this song is called “Kitab Balaniyus al-Hakim fi’l...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 5 - Circle Magic
An introduction to circle magic and opening rituals for practical Kabbalah. Introduction to scrying, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, and the invocation of the four cardinal angels and the Shekhinah - Goddess.
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 6 - The Vision of the Holy Guardian angel
Kabbalah with Gavin Shri Amneon Volume 6 - The Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel
Guided ritual meditation, astral skrying and invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel in the temple of Malkuth, the first Sephirah in which we work upon the Tree of Life and Holy Kabbalah. -
Omnisutra Gnosis - Thunder - Perfect Mind
Omnisutra Gnosis - Thunder - Perfect Mind
Thunder Perfect Mind is a Gnostic Liturgy from the Nag Hammadi library composed some time before 300 BC. Gavin Shri Amneon sings here in Egyptian Coptic, and language that merged ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek, still used in the Egyptian Coptic Chris...
Shri Vijnana Bharava Tantra Part 1
Shri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: Part 1 - verses 1 - 40 by Gavin Shri Amneon.
The oldest known Tantra brought to life with transliteration and translation so students can learn to sing it and contemplate its meaning. As a conversation between Shiva and Shakti it expounds the essence of Tantric Yoga...
The Holy Kabbalah - Series 3 - Volume 18 - Tiphareth
The Holy Kabbalah - Series 3 - Volume 18 - Tiphareth - The Sephirah of the Sun
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at Tiphareth, its Divine Name, its Arch angel and choir of angels, arch demon and order of devils, and its planetary association - The Sun, from a Hebrew and Hermetic perspe... -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 15 - Tzaddi - The Star
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at the path of Tzaddi - Aquarius, the Tarot of The Star. Its qualities and how we draw from them to create ourselves and our future...
The Holy Kaballah Volume 13 - Netzach - Venus
Kaballah Class Vol 13 - Netzach
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at the Sephirah Netzach, its Arch angel and choir of angels, arch demon and order of devils, and it planetary association - Venus/Aphrodite. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 12 - Resh - The Sun
Kabbalah Class Volume 12 - Resh - The Sun
An in depth look at the path of Resh - The Sun on the Tree of Life, beautifully illustrated by artists of the ages, Narrated by Gavin Shri Amneon -
Omnisutra Genesis - Beresheeth
Omnisutra Genesis - Beresheet
The creation of the world by Elohim from the beginning of Genesis, sung in ancient Hebrew by Gavin Shri Amneon, illustrated by art from the ages.. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 9 - Tuv - The World
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 8 - Yesod - The Moon
A beautifully illustrated and narrated overview of the Lunar Sephirah Yesod, its Divine attributes, Arch angel and angelic choir, Arch demon and order of devils, and its association with Lunar deities, the Tarot and more...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 14 - Quf - Pisces
A beautifully illustrated and narrate look at the path of Quf - Pisces, the Tarot of The Moon.
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 11 - Shin - The Day of Judgement - Pluto
An in depth look at the 31st Kabbalah path of Shin - Pluto/Hades - The Day of Judgement. Beautifully illustrated by master artists of the ages..
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 9 - Tuv - The World - Saturn
A portrayal of the 32nd path on the Tree of Life, Tuv, associated with the planet Saturn and the Tarot card of "The World"
Omnisutra Megas Hellas - Hesiod's Theogony
Omnisutra Megas Hellas - Hesiod's Theogony,
The story of the creation of the ancient Greek Gods and the Muses, the 9 daughters of Zeus who embody the western creative arts, composed in the 8th century B.C.
Sung in ancient Greek by Gavin Shri Amneon -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 10 - Hod - Mercury
A beautifully illustrated and narrated overview of the Mercurial Sephirah Hod, its Divine attributes, Arch angel and angelic choir, Arch demon and order of devils, and its association with deities such as Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, the Tarot and more...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 4 - Elementals
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 4 - Elementals
The Elemental world or faery realm explained according to the Holy Kabbalah. Salamanders, Undines, Sylphs and Gnomes, shown through the art of the ages, and their influence upon the human soul, naturally and through magic -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 17 - The Nephesh - The Astral Body
A beautifully illustrated and detailed description of the Nephesh - Astral body in correlation with the 4 lower sephiroth of the Kabbalah Tree of Life
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 16 - Peh - The Tower of destruction
Kabbalah Class 16 - Peh - The Tower of Destruction
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at the Path of Peh on the Tree of Life, associated with the planet Mars and the Tarot Tower of Destruction -
Shri Vijnana Bhaiarava Tantra Part 2
Shri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: Part 2 - verses 41 - 80 by Gavin Shri Amneon.
The oldest known Tantra brought to life with transliteration and translation so student can learn to sing it and contemplate its meaning. From a conversation between Shiva and Shakti it expounds the essence of Tantric Yo...