The Holy Kabbalah Series 1: Vol 1 - 6
Kabbalah Classes Series 1 - Approaching the Tree of Life
Beginners Kabbalah outlining the Divine Creation, Tree of Life, Paths, Elementals, Circle Ritual and the Meditation of the Holy Guardian Angel
This also comes with a beginner's book on the Holy Kabbalah with explanations of both Hebrew and Hermetic strains.
This site is designed for Self-initiation through the sediments of the soul, that parallel with the layers through which the divine being created the universe, designated by the construct of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the arboreal map of God, and the Hebrew letters as talismans of the creative and astrological forces, that cascade down from the most subtle substance of holy conscious light towards a condensed physical manifest universe.
This journey follows a contemplative path working with the archetypes of the arcana and their personifications called partzufim, unfolding the universal Hermetic mysteries of the experience of the soul, and its sequential evolution. This guided process is enhanced through the invocation and communication with arch angels and their choirs, as modes of creative intelligence that connect the human conscious flow into the primal divine being, the original design in which artistic perfection is imparted in and through us, Adam Kadmon.
Divinity is a wind that enhances our spirit, which blows through our soul as higher awareness, motivating us back to the source which offers us an opportunity to recreate ourselves anew in a more refined light, from an enhanced and enlightened perspective. This procedure is alchemical and transformative, the result of inner workings called 'tiqun olam' which rectifies the inner and influences the outer world for harmonic betterment. What results is an illuminated way of experiencing and expressing the soul, allowing its fullest faculties to emerge, blessed by virtues, capable of overcoming obstacles, able to form meaningful relationships, filled with wisdom and understanding, accessing the sense deepest knowing at the core of our being ...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 5 - Circle Magic
An introduction to circle magic and opening rituals for practical Kabbalah. Introduction to scrying, the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram, and the invocation of the four cardinal angels and the Shekhinah - Goddess.
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 2 - The Layers of the Tree of Life
Kabbalah Video Class Volume 2: The Layers of the Tree of Life by Gavin Shri Amneon
The Sephiroth outlined
The Olamoth (The 4 Elemental Worlds)
The Neshamoth (The 5 layers of the Soul)
Rising on the Planes, The Kabbalah equivalent of the Kundalini process. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 3 - The Paths on the Tree
Kabbalah Video Class Volume 3 – The Paths on the Tree.
This Volume explains the main archetypes on the paths of the Tree of Life, including the Hebrew meaning, the major arcana of the Tarot, and astrology.
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 6 - The Vision of the Holy Guardian angel
Kabbalah with Gavin Shri Amneon Volume 6 - The Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel
Guided ritual meditation, astral skrying and invocation of the Holy Guardian Angel in the temple of Malkuth, the first Sephirah in which we work upon the Tree of Life and Holy Kabbalah. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume I - The Divine Creation
Kabbalah with Gavin Shri Amneon Volume I
"The Divine Creation"
How God creates the universe from nothing with the letters of his name, a basic core principle of the Holy Kabbalah
The allegory of Adam and Even and the progressive creation of Humanity through the passing on of divine knowledge. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 4 - Elementals
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 4 - Elementals
The Elemental world or faery realm explained according to the Holy Kabbalah. Salamanders, Undines, Sylphs and Gnomes, shown through the art of the ages, and their influence upon the human soul, naturally and through magic -
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