Gavin Shri Amneon - School of Mysticism
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The Mysticism of Gavin Shri Amneon
Concisely narrated videos on the aspects and paths of the Tree of Life, teachings from the Holy Kabbalah and other forms of mysticism...
Omnisutra Films - ancient mystical holy songs reanimated to music and art in their original languages with translation....
The Holy Kabbalah Series 3 - The Ruach
12 videos | Rent $55 | Buy $120
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at the sequence of paths in the center of the tree that make up the middle soul, the Ruach. This includes an overview of the sephiroth Tiphareth, Gevurah and Chesed, and the paths Ayin (The Devil), Samech (Temperance), Nun (Death), Mem (The Hanged Man),...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 18 - Tiphareth- The Sun
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $12
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 18 - Tiphareth- The Sun
The Holy Kabbalah - Series 3 - Volume 18 - Tiphareth - The Sephirah of the Sun
A beautifully illustrated and narrated look at Tiphareth, its Divine Name, its Arch angel and choir of angels, arch demon and order of devils, and its planetary associa... -
The Holy Kabbalah Series II - The Nephesh
11 videos | Rent $50 | Buy $110
The Holy Kabbalah series II - Vol 7 to17 - The Nephesh
11 Kabbalah Classes that beautifully illustrate and explain the Nephesh - Astral Body or lower soul on the Tree of Life, through the 4 lower Sephiroth of Malkuth, Yesod, Hod and Netzach, and the paths that join them together. Detailing Astrol... -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 10 - Hod - Mercury
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $12
A beautifully illustrated and narrated overview of the Mercurial Sephirah Hod, its Divine attributes, Arch angel and angelic choir, Arch demon and order of devils, and its association with deities such as Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, the Tarot and more...
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 7 - Malkuth
1 video | Rent $5 | Buy $12
Kabbalah video class 7 - Malkuth
A beautifully illustrated explanation of the Sephirah Malkuth, the base of the Tree of Life. It outlines the Divine name, Arch angel, choir of angels, Arch demon, order of devils, planetary attribute and more... -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 3 - The Paths on the Tree
1 video | Rent $4 | Buy $7.50
Kabbalah Video Class with Gavin Shri Amneon Volume 3 – The Paths on the Tree.
This episode explains the main archetypes on the paths of the Tree of Life, including the Hebrew meaning, the major arcana of the Tarot, and astrology.
The Holy Kabbalah Vol 2 -The Layers of the Tree
1 video | Rent $4 | Buy $7.50
Kabbalah Video Class Volume 2: The Layers of the Tree of Life (47 minutes) – MP4
The Sephiroth outlined
The Olamoth (The 4 Elemental Worlds)
The Neshamoth (The 5 layers of the Soul)
Rising on the Planes, The Kabbalah equivalent of the Kundalini process. -
The Holy Kabbalah Volume 1 - The Divine Creation
1 video | Rent $4 | Buy $7.50
Kabbalah Video Class Volume I – MP4 (39 minutes)
by Gavin Shri Amneon
Volume I: The Divine Creation.How God creates the universe from nothing with the letters of his name, a basic core principle of the Holy Kabbalah
The allegory of Adam and Even and the progressive creation of Humanity through ... -
The Holy Kabbalah Series 1: Vol 1 - 6
6 videos | Rent $20 | Buy $42
Kabbalah Classes Series 1 - Approaching the Tree of Life
Beginners Kabbalah outlining the Divine Creation, Tree of Life, Paths, Elementals, Circle Ritual and the Meditation of the Holy Guardian Angel
This also comes with a beginner's book on the Holy Kabbalah with explanations of both Hebrew and ... -
Shri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
3 videos | Rent $15 | Buy $35
Shri Vijnana Bhairava Tantra: by Gavin Shri Amneon.
The oldest known Tantra brought to life with transliteration and translation so student can learn to sing it and contemplate its meaning. From a conversation between Shiva and Shakti it expounds the essence of Tantric Yoga practices and the es...
Omnisutra Megas Hellas - Hesiod's Theogony
1 video | Rent $8 | Buy $20
Omnisutra Megas Hellas - Hesiod's Theogony - Album Film
The story of the creation of the ancient Greek Gods and the Muses, the 9 daughters of Zeus who embody the western creative arts, composed in the 8th century B.C.
Sung in ancient Greek by Gavin Shri Amneon -
1 video | Rent $2.99 | Buy $7.99
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
1 video | Rent $2.99 | Buy $7.99
Omnisutra – Emerald Tablet, is a sung rendition of the oldest copy of the ‘Emerald Tablet of Hermes’ which is preserved in Arabic, and is sung here in Arabic by Gavin Shri Amneon. The original Greek composition is sadly lost to history. In Arabic this song is called “Kitab Balaniyus al-Hakim fi’l...
Omnisutra Gnosis - Thunder - Perfect Mind
1 video | Rent $8 | Buy $20
Omnisutra Gnosis - Thunder - Perfect Mind
Thunder Perfect Mind is a Gnostic Liturgy from the Nag Hammadi library composed some time before 300 BC. Gavin Shri Amneon sings here in Egyptian Coptic, and language that merged ancient Egyptian and Ancient Greek, still used in the Egyptian Coptic Chris...
1 video | Rent $4.99 | Buy $9.99
Omnisutra - Tree of Life
1 video | Rent $4.99 | Buy $9.99
Omnisutra Tree of Life - A journey through the elements of the Holy Kabbalah. Sung in ancient Hebrew by Gavin Shri Amneon and beautifully illustrated with art from the ages to inspire one to delve into the mysteries of the Tree of Life. It encompasses divine names, angels, geometry, astrology, He...
Omnisutra Anpu - Incantation to Anubis
1 video | Rent $8 | Buy $20
Omnisutra Anpu - Incantation to Anubis
A devotional film and incantation to Anpu/Anubis, the dog headed God of ancient Egypt, god of funerals and embalming, mummification and death, who guides the soul after death through the netherworld to the courtroom of the gods, in the metaphysical process o...